Garden Produce

In addition to art, fresh produce is available for purchase at Homestead Gallery, when in season. Our extensive garden is nestled near the farmhouse and supplies an abundance of vegetables that are 100% chemical free and grown from heirloom seeds.. We keep bees on our grounds, and depending on the season, you’ll find us harvesting maple sap , grapes, berries, apples, pears or plums

With the times being as they are, what people really need is a homesteading academy! We here at Homestead are facilitating an effort to share the self-sustaining skills we, and others, have honed through the years with just such project.. From gardening to preserving the harvest, bee keeping to maple tapping, look for workshops to be offered on the grounds in the near future.

At Homestead we try to be the best stewards we can be of this beautiful and bountiful land we inhabit, and that involves an artistry of it’s own.


The Homestead


Local Home Goods